ForfaitingServices.com Recommends CBFSUK 2020

International ForfaitingServices.com, No 1 source for forfaiting around the globe, recommends Cross-Border Financial Services in your local area as their recommended agent. Forfaiting is a highly effective sales tool, which simultaneously improves the Exporter cash flows and eliminates your payment risks. Cross-Border Financial Services avalized by a wide range of Banks with credit periods ranging from 90 days up to 5 years.

Call Cross-Border Financial Services on +44 845 370 7056 or +44 845 370 7057 to discuss your forfaiting needs.

Key services that Cross-Border Financial Services provides are:
A flexible solution easily modified to suit most requirements.
Finance your business while managing risks with excellent trade financing options.
Forfaiting alternative methods financing international trade.
If your business is international CBFSUK will make it local.
Purchases, on a without recourse basis debt obligation.
Grants companies a facility without recourse reducing risk.
Commercial financing and country default risk solution.
Discounting without recourse of payment obligations with selective corporate risk.
Payments fast and flexible forfaiting receivables.
Increasing demand for investment with good infrastructure development in Africa.

Forfaiting Experts Standing by call +44 845 370 7056 or +44 845 370 7057
ForfaitingServices.com recognises the importance of strategic locations around the globe and has partnered with Cross-Border Financial Services to bring forfaiting to your business.
Our international offices are located in London United Kingdom, Casablanca Morocco, Victoria Hong-Kong, Sevastopol Crimea, Lagos Nigeria, Grand Gaube Mauritius and Dhaka Bangladesh.
Forfaiting at is best for your international business, let Cross-Border Financial Services be your source of Import and Export Credit.